Perang di jaman Weblog dan Link-link lainnya.

Inilah perang pertama sejak weblog atau blog lahir dan dikenal orang.
Hasilnya? First hand account dari mereka yang terlibat langsung di peperangan dari kedua belah pihak yang berada di lapangan. Ga masuk bias2x dan agenda2x media manapun, kecuali subjektifitas pribadi.
Seperti yg ditulis oleh Salam Pax, seorang Iraqi yg tinggal di Baghdad di blognya Where’s Raed:
…I am not anybody’s propaganda ploy, well except my own.
Dibawah ini beberapa weblog atau blog yg berhubungan ama perang ini:
Where is Raed?
4:30pm (day3), half an hour ago the oil filled trenches were put on fire. First watching Al-jazeera they said that these were the places that got hit by bombs from an air raid a few miniutes earlier bit when I went up to the roof to take a look I saw that there were too many of them, we heard only three explosions.
“Where is Raed” adalah blog yg ditulis oleh seorang dng nama samaran Salam Pax. Dia adalah orang Irak yang tengah tinggal di Baghdad. Ada debat rame di Internet ttg apakah dia beneran orang Irak yg tinggal di Baghdad apa bukan, tapi dari tulisannya banyak orang berkesimpulan kalo memang kesaksian dia setiap hari memang ditulisnya dari Baghdad.
LT Smash
This was my last day as the leader of my team. I?ve been doing this job much longer than anyone else in my unit has. I knew this day was coming. We have a couple of junior officers who are ready to take the reins. My successor is a good man, and I am confident that he will do an excellent job.
LT Smash berada di sisi lain. Penulisnya adalah seorang tentara amerika. Ga usah khawatir ngebaca pandangan politik di blog ini. Yg menarik justru adalah catatan hariannya ttg apa yg dia liat dan alami.
Command Post
Why? So we can post breaking war news in one convenient place, and not all over the web.
What counts? Links and breaking news (keeping the rants for our home blogs).

Command Post adalah blog bersama para blogger yang ngikutin perang. Isinya link-link ke berita2x terbaru atau opini. Yang nulis kebanyakan orang amerika dan mereka rata2x pro bush atau minimal pro ngilangin Saddam.
Saddam Hussein Blog
Thankfully, dawn is upon us. It has been a long night. I have been unable to communicate with my commanders in the field since yesterday evening because smoke signals don’t seem to work when it’s pitch black outside.
Nah kalo ini sih parodi atau imajiner. Blognya Saddam Hussein.
Link lain:
Versi Inggris Al Jazeera yang skrg udah ga inggris lagi. Asalnya isinya berita menarik karena bukan berasal dari media US.
Satu lagi grup musik ngeluarin lagu barunya ttg perang di Internet. R.E.M. ngeluarin lagi baru berjudul Final Straw, bisa di donwload skrg juga.

9 thoughts on “Perang di jaman Weblog dan Link-link lainnya.”

  1. I haven’t had a cig in over a year. The most horrible thing regarding quitting might be the starting few weeks. Thankfully this these effects didn’t last long and things got easier day-to-day because of the e-cigarettes. Please don’t surrender. Simply just be strong and you will definitely have success forever.

  2. I smoked for a very long time. I recognize it affects my health therefore I want to quit smoking though it’s literally impossible. None of the stop smoking hints helped. Then I heard about the smokeless cigarettes. It has luckily changed my life. No longer inhaling and exhaling toxic chemicals feels extraordinary!

  3. Got no love for politicians
    Or that crazy scene in D.C.
    It’s just a power mad town
    But the time is ripe for changes
    There’s a growing feeling
    That taking a chance on a new kind of vision is due

    I used to trust the media
    To tell me the truth, tell us the truth
    But now I’ve seen the payoffs
    Everywhere I look
    Who do you trust when everyone’s a crook?

    I used to think
    That only America’s way, way was right
    But now the holy dollar rules everybody’s lives
    Gotta make a million doesn’t matter who dies

    Revolution calling
    Revolution calling
    Revolution calling you

    **Quensryche – Operation Mindcrime, Revolution Calling**

  4. This is NOT jus a WAR!!!! this is an ALL OUT WAR!!…the WAR bukan cuma perang “beneran” di Irak sana, tp juga perang urat saraf dan perang INFORMASI…..people are dying in ALL FRONT…..and WE ARE IN INFORMATION FRONT….like it or not, sadar gak sadar…we have the power in this front walaupun “power” yg kita punya ini emang kecil πŸ™‚

    “don’t hate the media, be the media”

    muak baca soal perang!
    sebel ngeliat orang asik2 berdiskusi soal perang..
    ngeri ngeliat banyak korban berjatuhan…

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