Happy birthday to the one

Happy birthday to the one I love!
All my joy goes out to you today!
Perhaps I learned, the months you were away,
Part of me moves always as you move.
You’re the yearning distance can’t remove,
Bringing life to reveries cold and gray;
In thoughts of you my dreams and passions play,
Rejoicing in a hope that time will prove.
Today I celebrate your day of birth,
Happy in the hour that brought you here,
Drawn by all the music of your worth,
A time for gratitude that you are near.
You are the one on Earth I hold most dear.

Met ulang tahun Hon…

26 thoughts on “Happy birthday to the one”

  1. meet happy birtday honey,nuah.semoga km diberikan rahmat dan hidayah,serta panjang umur sayanh,jadikan keluarga yg sakinah..

  2. ‘nda, masih di Thai ? bulan lalu ikutan AdFest nggak ? Gue sempet lihat pameran di Jakarta tentang pemenang AdFest tahun-tahun lalu. Kapan yaa iklan kita bisa menang di sana .. πŸ™‚
    Oh ya .. “Happy B-day, Nita”.
    May all the joy and happiness will be yours forever.
    Semoga selalu dilindungi dan diberi petunjuk oleh Allah.
    Semoga selalu rukun-rukun sama Enda.

    Eh, kenapa gue nggak ngisi langsung di blog Nita azha yaa ..
    Pindah blog dulu aaah .. πŸ™‚

  3. Wah, udah hampir kagum sama bakat puitisnya oom Enda. Tapi bisa serius juga ternyata ..
    Anyway, happy birthday nyonya Enda Nasution. Wish You all the best in life …

  4. Cinta, makasih ya puisi cinta nya..
    Keren banget..

    Kalo soal bikin bete sih..hmm..sama2 deh. Mungkin gue jg yg gampang bete kali ya.. πŸ™‚

  5. Cepet sembuh Bang Enda, tapi sakitnya bukan karuna arsip obey tak muncul2 pan Bang??? jadi nggak enak neh, bikin orang susah… heuheuheu..ampyun..ampyun Bang:p

  6. that’s so sweet Pak…

    Make each impression
    A little bit stronger
    Freeze this motion
    A little bit longer
    The innocence slips away…

    Summer’s going fast —
    Nights growing colder
    Children growing up —
    Old friends growing older
    Experience slips away…

    ** Rush – Time Stand Still **

  7. selamat ulang tahun teh Nita…
    huhuhu, panjang umur, langgeng jodoh, murah rejeki…
    amiiiiiiinnn! πŸ™‚

  8. ehm… ulang tahun itu deketnya sama perayaan… perayaan itu deketnya sama makan-makan…. Horeeee….

    Btw happy birthday juga deh….

  9. i am not the one who wrote the poem, but it does says what i am feeling for you.

    so again, i wish u the happiest birthday.

    maap ya kalo gue suka bikin bete. πŸ™‚

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