Data Driven Journalism – Masa Depan Jurnalisme?

Apakah masa depan Jurnalisme ada di Jurnalisme Data?

Website ini: Data Driven Journalism tampaknya berpendapat begitu. Di dalamnya ada artikel, link ke tools, resources dan juga mailing list bagi mereka yang tertarik dengan Data Drive Journalism.

[Link] What’s the Secret to Viral Success?

“The secret to [BuzzFeed’s] viral success is to find stuff that’s already a minor viral success and make it better,” Manjoo wrote. “Repeat the process enough, and you’re bound to get a few mega-hits.

“That’s not genius. It’s a machine.”

via What’s the Secret to Viral Success? It’s So Obvious – The Atlantic.

[Video] Eben Moglen: Why Freedom of Thought Requires Free Media and Why Free Media Require Free Technology

Video di bawah adalah speech dari Eben Moglen, professor of law and legal history di Columbia University, juga founder, Director-Counsel and Chairman of Software Freedom Law Center ttg “Free Thought dan Free Technology” di re:publica 2012, Berlin, kebetulan saya berada langsung di sana saat itu untuk mendengarkan langsung dan terkesan akan pesan yang disampaikan.

Full speech video di bawah.

…Media that spy on and data-mine the public are capable of destroying humanity’s most precious freedom: freedom of thought…

via Why Freedom of Thought Requires Free Media and Why Free Media Require Free Technology | re:publica 2012.