biasanya biasanya gue suka rada

biasanya gue suka rada sadar diri kalo blog gue ini *mungkin* dibaca orang (long lost hope ^_^).. tapi kayanya mulai cuek deh skrg.
tadi pagi naek taxi blue bird ke kantor, tebak siapa nama supirnya? S A M A N … hehe.. yes, Saman is live and well and breathing.. is not live in Ayu Utami’s twisted mind alone.. hehe..
Tapi dari omongan kita pagi tadi.. this Saman cukup twisted juga orangnya, gue cuma liat dia dari photo ID Name-nya, ga liat ke pinggir, karena dia lagi nyupir. Dia bilang apa?
Tommy Soeharto yang kemaren ketangkep itu di bunuh aja!
Keren kan, lugas, tuntas dan fokus pada masalah.
Kalo ampe keluar lagi, kita bikin rata ini Jakarta..
Apa gue bilang.. lugas, tuntas dan fokus pada masalah.
God help us all.
frequent question to me nowadays: how’s married life?
married life is fine people.. you’re not turning 180 degree of yourself and turn to be someone else once you get married. you will be you, and I still the same man I use to be.
notes: this blog suppose to give me something to do with my life. well?
yeah.. i just realized that again after all this time.
no links today people!

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